A lot more people are working at home lately thanks to the global pandemic Covid-19. This new situation can lead to challenges in setting up a work station which will be both comfortable and reduce the chances for strain and injury. So in this article I will outline several tips to improve ergonomics. Ergonomics means fitting the job to the person, which is important to consider while you work from home.

1. Practice Good Posture
Many tasks you will likely be performing at home while working will be done with your arms and hands outstretched to the front of your body. For example, typing, checking your phone, writing, using a laptop, and reading are all activities which place your shoulders and arms in a forward position. This posture is chest and shoulder dominant. This means your chest and shoulder muscles are contracted more frequently to position your arms forward and closer to center. This can lead to shoulder irritation and poor breathing patterns.
In order to counteract this predominance of the chest muscles and forward rounding of the shoulders, you should be mindful of sitting and working with your chest forward. Think of someone tying a string to your breast bone and pulling you up. In this way your chest leads in front of your shoulders and places you in a more “open” posture.
Furthermore, if you are sitting at a desk, be sure to adjust your chair so that you are at a comfortable height and your thighs are parallel or slightly higher than parallel to the floor. Your keyboard and computer should be directly in front of you, not off to the side. Also, the computer screen should be at least 18″ from your face and the top 1/3 of the screen should be at eye level.
2. Don’t Forget to Move
Even while you are sitting or standing to work at home, movement is important. If your work requires you to spend long hours at a desk, small movements such as tapping your feet, rolling your neck and shoulders, and fidgeting with your hands and fingers, can help stimulate blood flow and decrease stiffness. Short breaks to stand, pace, performs some air squats, calf raises, or desk push-ups can also be very helpful.
3. Set a Timer
If you are like me, sitting to write or type, or finish computer work, you may be prone to stay put for long stretches of time to complete the task at hand. What can be helpful is to use your phone’s clock timer or another inexpensive timer to set micro-breaks for every 20 minutes. This way when the timer goes of you have an auditory cue to get up and move for a few minutes, without becoming overly distracted.
4. Your Breathing is Important
When working from home you may be sitting a lot. Sitting places the hips in flexion and can impede full expansion of the lungs while breathing. Naturally while sitting you will tend to take shallower breaths.
Take some time to focus on deep breathing and you may notice your posture improves, your back feels less tight, and you don’t fatigue as easily. Keeping your shoulders behind your chest as previously discussed can help.
Furthermore, placing one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach and taking a deep breath, you should feel the hand over your belly move. Shallow chest breathing where your diaphragm doesn’t expand into your abdomen limits rib expansion and decreases circulation. So make sure both hands are moving well when you breath, get your diaphragm involved!
With improved rib expansion while breathing your blood will carry more oxygen, your joints will circulate their fluid to provide nutrition to the joint cartilage, and your stress levels will reduce. Good breathing has many health benefits.
5. Take Walking Meetings
Many meetings these days are being conducted remotely. There are many apps which make this possible, and when working from home it may seem convenient of comfy to sit on the couch at your chair for the duration. I would suggest if possible that you walk or pace comfortably around your house while on these calls. You may have already been sitting for some time before the meeting starts, and getting back to more work following the meeting. So if possible try and use this time to move around.
So there are 5 tips which I hope you will find helpful during these times when you are working from home, whether by choice or due to the recent coronavirus pandemic.
About the Author:

Dr. Erik Reich is a chiropractor in Meriden, CT. He practices at Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy Center, Inc.  located at 303 South Broad Street. Where he treats all types of patients from high school athletes, seniors, victims of trauma such as auto accidents, laborers, and desk jockeys. Spending time with his wife and son, and their Boston terrier, is something Dr. Reich also enjoys.