Recent Article in JAMA Highlights Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain
“Patients should stay active as tolerated and begin with nondrug treatments, including superficial heat, massage…and spinal manipulation.”
This JAMA patient page provides some great information for both acute and chronic sufferers of low back pain. It reiterates some things chiropractors have been saying for decades. However, it is always nice to see recommendations from the broader medical community. Such as highlighting the importance of conservative care before drugs or surgery. Spinal manipulation, also known as the chiropractic adjustment, is again touted. A great first line treatment option for both acute and chronic cases of low back pain. Combined with exercise and other non-drug treatment options, spinal manipulation is safe and effective.
There are many options to choose from when picking a treatment for your lower back pain. You can easily take a supermarket approach. But, you don’t need to waste your time and money down the aisle trying the latest fads, creams, lotions, potions, and miracle cures. The tried and true combination of time, early return to activity, exercise therapy, and chiropractic spinal manipulation remain at the forefront of first line intervention for lower back pain.
Dr. Erik Reich, Meriden chiropractor, and his son.
Dr. Erik Reich is a chiropractor in Meriden, CT. He practices at Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy Center, Inc. located at 303 South Broad Street. Where he treats all types of patients from high school athletes, seniors, victims of trauma such as auto accidents, and desk jockeys. Dr. Reich enjoys staying active through a variety of sports, time at the gym, and finding new vegetarian food spots. Spending time with his wife and son, and their Boston terrier, is something Dr. Reich also enjoys.
What should you be looking for when choosing a chiropractor?
The chiropractic profession is varied, and there are many different styles of chiropractic treatment and practices out there. So how do you pick a chiropractor? I will list and discuss some key considerations when you are in search of a new chiropractor.
First, ask your family and friends for a recommendation, or even your primary doctor which chiropractors in the area they would see if they needed care. Friends, family, and your health care team will likely not recommend to you someone they don’t like and trust themselves.
Second, check online. You can do a quick internet search for the chiropractor’s name and the town or city they practice in and get an idea of their practice by looking at their website, checking reviews online, and even looking up their license to practice and check for irregularities. When you are choosing a chiropractor in your area, don’t neglect performing an online search.
Next, give their office a call. Did someone pick up right away or did you have to leave a message? If a receptionist, or even the doctor, answered, were they pleasant, easily understood, and helpful? Did you get a good first impression? These are important windows into the “feel” of the office.
Dr. Erik Reich practices in Meriden, CT at Omni Physical and Aquatic Therapy Center, Inc.
Things to consider when starting treatment.
Chiropractic treatment is varied, but there are certain considerations that you should be aware of when starting a treatment program. Many chiropractors utilize spinal adjustment or “manipulation” of the spine to alleviate neck or back pain. Adjustment of the extremities such as ankle or wrist may also be performed based on the presenting health issue.
As a patient, be extremely wary of any chiropractor who says they have a unique technique or treatment that only they can use or a new treatment which they discovered. Joint manipulation is practiced more frequently by chiropractors than other manual healthcare providers, but it is not exclusive or proprietary to chiropractors as a profession, and there are many different named adjusting techniques and styles but no one has a monopoly on getting someone better with an adjustment.
Furthermore, other treatment modalities practiced by any good chiropractic physician are not unique to the chiropractic profession. Education about your condition, an exercise program, stretching and other treatments of the muscles and tendons, and nutrition advise may be helpful and offered at a chiropractic visit, but none of these interventions are exclusive to the chiropractor. Be skeptical of any chiropractor who wants to sell you their own vitamins or supplements because they are the “best” or the only ones that work.
You should beware of excessive imaging. Years ago it was common for chiropractors to over-utilize x-rays for a variety of reasons. Be aware that current understanding and imaging guidelines do demonstrate their usefulness in ruling out fractures, dislocations, and other red flags. X-rays should not be taken in the absence of recent trauma or suspected disease, and x-rays are not indicated to monitor your progress as treatment progresses. If you are not in pain and the chiropractor wants to take x-rays, you should get a second opinion.
Avoid long term contracts, payment plans, and care which does not have a reasonable start and end point. When you see a chiropractor, you should start feeling better. Depending on the severity of the original injury or health issue, this may take 1 visit, 6 visits, or a month of visits, or even longer…but avoid any doctor who claims to know that you will need 3, 6, or 12 months of visits when they’ve only met you once or twice and want you to pre-pay for 6 months of care. Everyone responds and heals differently, but this can not be known that far in advance and especially not to the degree where you should pay up front.
What Makes a Good Chiropractor?
Choosing a chiropractor shouldn’t be difficult. However, because the market is so fractured with many different types of practices, and in America the healthcare system is so focused on profit and efficiency, patients need to be keenly aware of outdated and potentially harmful practices that are more focused on serving the doctor or benefiting the practice than providing benefit to you, the patient.
You need to look for a chiropractor who takes a patient centered approach, which uses best practices and current evidence to come up with an active treatment plan focusing on return to regular activity and eliminate or reduce pain.
A good chiropractor is therefore one who avoids gimmicky marketing tricks, reduces or eliminates unnecessary or wasteful imaging or other expensive tests, and works well with other members of your healthcare team including primary doctors, APRNs, orthopedists, neurologists, and specialists.
A good chiropractor takes a thorough health history and performs a detailed physical examination before working with you on a treatment plan that is individualized to your goals and preferences. Also, a good chiropractor will offer education, support, exercises, and lifestyle modification advice, to encourage active participation in the process of getting you well, and not rely solely on passive interventions such as heat, adjustments, ultrasound, etc.
What a patient needs to know when dealing with lower back pain.
Dr. Erik Reich in Meriden treats non-traumatic lower back pain and other muskuloskeletal conditions.
First and foremost, the human body is resilient and adaptable. Most cases of lower back pain resolve with little to no intervention. Taking a hot shower, a walk, and some light stretching is often enough to ease a hurting lower back after a day or two. If pain or symptoms persist, an evaluation and treatment may be a better course of action. However, many cases of lower back pain get better with a return to normal activity and time.
If your lower back pain does not resolve, or if trauma or overuse injury is involved (a fall, car accident, over zealous gardening or home improvement job, sports injury) then a visit to the office is a better idea.
At the office a thorough intake, history, and examination will be performed so that the cause of your lower back pain can be determined and a personalized plan of care will be recommended including education about your back pain, hot or cold compresses, physio-therapeutic modalities, stretching and exercises, and spinal manipulation (chiropractic adjustment of the spine).
You will be reassured to know that the vast majority of lower back pain episodes respond very well to this type of conservative care. Furthermore, despite a great deal of pain and worry, your lower back pain can be helped with gentle chiropractic care.
About Dr. Erik Reich
Dr. Erik Reich is a Chiropractic Physician in Meriden, CT. He practices at Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy Center, Inc. . Where he treats all types of patients from high school athletes, seniors, and traumatic injuries such as work and car accidents. Spending time with his wife and son, and their Boston terrier, is something Dr. Reich also enjoys.