Chiropractic is a profession of health care providers. Chiropractors treat conditions of the muscles, joints, and nervous system. The most common and widely recognized chiropractic intervention is the adjustment or “joint manipulation.” Chiropractors also employ other treatments such as exercise, physiotherapy, nutrition counseling, and lifestyle modification advice.

More Than the Adjustment
What is chiropractic? Well, most visits to the chiropractor involve getting an adjustment, or several adjustments. However, there are other important benefits to receiving chiropractic care. A skilled chiropractic physician will be able to identify and diagnose the cause of pain or other symptoms. Also, if the underlying problem(s) is amenable to chiropractic treatment, a trial of care will be recommended which may include patient education, adjustments, physical therapy modalities, stretches and exercises, and lifestyle advice all tailored to you as an individual.
If you present to the chiropractor and treatment is not recommended for you, an appropriate referral to a specialist should be made. Some conditions may not seem likely to respond to chiropractic treatment but many patients decide to go forward with a short trial of care, especially if they have already tried many other doctors or treatments without success.
Safe and Effective Treatment
Chiropractic treatment is non-invasive. It is also conservative in nature, and without drugs or surgery. Furthermore, there are typically few side-effects beyond soreness following some treatments. Therefore, many medical journals and societies are recognizing chiropractic treatment as a first line intervention. Especially for treatment of lower back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Also, chiropractic has shown itself to be efficacious in the treatment of joint pain. As well as tendon injuries, ligament sprains, disc herniation, and other insults to the human frame.
From the American Chiropractic Association’s website some key points:
- DCs are licensed to practice in all 50 states and the District of Columbia–and in many nations around the world–and undergo a rigorous education in the healing sciences at institutions accredited by the U.S. Department of Education.
- A growing list of research studies and reviews demonstrate that the services provided by chiropractors are both safe and effective. The evidence strongly supports the natural, whole-body, and cost-effective approach of chiropractic services for a variety of conditions.
- Chiropractor’s services are included in most health insurance plans, including major medical plans, workers’ compensation, Medicare, some Medicaid plans, and Blue Cross Blue Shield plans for federal employees, among others.
- Chiropractors are used extensively by amateur and professional athletes, professional dancers, and others to prevent and treat injuries as well as achieve optimal health and functioning.
About the Author:

Dr. Erik Reich is a chiropractor in Meriden, CT. He practices at Omni Physical & Aquatic Therapy Center, Inc. . Where he treats all types of patients from high school athletes, seniors, victims of trauma such as auto accidents, laborers, and desk jockeys. Spending time with his wife and son, and their Boston terrier, is something Dr. Reich also enjoys.