If you have ever suffered from lower back pain you are not alone. Prevalence of lower back pain is estimated to affect up to 80% or more of the population. However, there is no one cause of back discomfort. As a back pain sufferer there is a virtual supermarket of treatment options out there. You may even experience symptoms severe enough to see a doctor. Because there is this supermarket of options, you may be offered medication, physical therapy, patches, ointments, rest, ice, heat, exercise, chiropractic care, or something else entirely.

Chiropractic care is safe and effective without relying on invasive procedures or medications.
Patients report high levels of satisfaction with chiropractic care.
Is chiropractic care effective for lower back pain?
Studies have suggested the important and effective role chiropractic care can play in managing lower back pain for decades. In 2018 a series of papers in The Lancet focusing on low back pain as a significant driver of pain and disability across the world, specifically recommended non-invasive and non-drug interventions as first line treatment to address lower back pain. Chiropractic care, which often includes patient education, exercise, and of course, manipulative therapy (chiropractic adjustment of the spine or extremities) has been shown to effectively manage most cases of back pain with high rates of patient satisfaction reported.
High patient satisfaction with chiropractic care.
Patients love their chiropractors. You will not wait at your appointment for hours. A detailed history and examination will be taken and performed. Your treatment will be based on current research guidelines, the doctor’s experience, and your personal goals and preferences.
“Chiropractic patients were found to be more satisfied with their back care providers after four weeks of treatment than were medical patients. Results from observational studies suggested that back pain patients are more satisfied with chiropractic care than with medical care. Additionally, studies conclude that patients are more satisfied with chiropractic care than they were with physical therapy after six weeks.”
Hertzman-Miller et al (2002), American Journal of Public Health
Cost effectiveness of chiropractic care.
Another thing to consider is how much your treatment will cost when you are suffering from back pain. You will be presented with a multitude of treatment options including medicine, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, and even surgery. Chiropractic care has been found to be one of the most cost effective means to address back injuries.
Findings from a study utilizing data from the North Carolina State Health Plan collected between 2000-2009 show that care by a doctor of chiropractic (DC) alone or DC care in conjunction with care by a medical doctor (MD) incurred “appreciably fewer charges” for uncomplicated lower back pain than MD care with or without care by a physical therapist.
Hurwitz et al. (2016), Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics